The GBA Code of Conscious Living
We believe in a concept called LIFE UNLIMITED.
It is an outlook on life, grounded in embodiment and expression of Source Energy:
*By trusting Life and what is given to you, with gratitude, you open your embrace to all that an UNLIMITED LIFE has to offer you.
*By acknowledging yourself as being a single particle of the living, breathing, pulsating and ever flowing entity, called “Universe”, with the intention of being the Living Expression of it.
Our Manifesto:
1. Truth
“I know that Thought is creative. When I focus all my attention on one belief, it becomes my Truth. I choose my Truth wisely and live it transparently, raising the vibrations of my environment, simply, through my authenticity and presence.”
2. Simplicity
“I live Simply, minimally, in harmony with nature. I respect all sentient beings and our planet.”
3. Love
“I fully love and appreciate myself and all others. I understand that all existing relationships are my projection of the relationship I have with myself. I show others how to love and treat me, by example of the way I treat myself.”
4. Service
“All that I give, I give to myself. As I bow to those whom I serve, I bow to myself. As I rise to those whom I serve, I rise to myself”
5. Gratitude
“I live in praise and Gratitude for all that is given to me. I no longer need to understand why things are happening to me and realise that they are happening FOR me. I give up controlling thoughts and the need to struggle, in any situation. I am grateful for it all as a part of my evolution into merging with and expressing the whole of Life and Humanity. Gratitude and Flow State are the same thing.”
6. Unity
“We are One. Everyone who is in my presence is a reflection of me. I embody all situations I have brought to myself, through interest or attachment. I am everything and everything is me. Everything I do to another; I do to myself.”
7. Emotional Responsibility
“I know I am not my Mind; nor my emotions or thoughts. I can observe my emotions without believing them. I know that thoughts and emotions are forever changing and I can elect what I think and feel at any given moment.”
8. Rise in Humanity
“I work consciously in service to the community and towards raising the Collective Consciousness of all Humanity. I do this by living in loving awareness and honouring each separate unit as part of the whole, actively living and sharing my truth in simplicity and love.”
9. Elemental Purification
“I consciously spend time honouring my natural state in the elements. I actively and passively allow the power of the elements to purify and transform my mind and body.”
10. Humour
“I actively cultivate JOY and HUMOR in present time. Innocent Laughter unites us all, regardless of Race, Creed or Gender.”
11. Freedom
“I am 100% responsible for everything in my life. This frees me of victim consciousness and allows me infinite possibilities for endless transformation. I now embody Freedom and FULL LOVE for myself, my community and our planet.”
12. Indefinite Life Extension
“I now live in the timeless present. My mind and body are the living expression of eternity, which is forever changing and forever present. I love my body and can keep it as long as I want, as I consciously make Life Enforcing choices.”
Katia Boustani
Founder & CEO, Global Breathing Awareness
Founder, Rebirth Breath Therapy